The Chief Scientists of cruises conducted with the German Research Vessels are obliged to submit Cruise Reports to the GPF. The GPF office expects to receive the Cruise Report no later than 2 months after the conclusion of the cruise. The Cruise Report documents the work on board, the collected data and samples, and serves as a report for the funding institutions.
Important instructions on preparing the Cruise Report can be found in the document “Cruise Reports – Guidelines for Authors”. Please use the following "template" for preparing your report.
After submission to the GPF office, the Cruise Reports are reviewed according to formal criteria in accordance with the “Guidelines for Authors”. Where necessary, the authors authors are asked to submit a corrected version to the GPF office. A random sample of the reports is also reviewed for the quality of their contents. As soon as the Cruise Report meets the criteria, the GPF office forwards the report to PANGAEA and the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), Hannover. There, the Cruise Reports will receive a digital object identifier (DOI). An overview of the cruise reports at hand can be found at
Instructions on preparing “Reports on Polar and Marine Research” for cruises with RV POLARSTERN and the according templates can be downloaded under the following link:
Cruise Reports are not intended to document the scientific evaluation of the cruise. About two years after the conclusion of the cruise, the Chief Scientists will receive a request from GPF office to present the cruise results on the biannual Status Conference, for which an Extended Abstract has to be submitted. The Extended Abstract should document the key scientific findings of a cruise as well as their publication and public presentation.
The procedure described above will be implemented in conjunction with the Status Conference 2022 and follows decisions made in context with the evaluation of the GPF review process. A submission of Scientific Reports is no longer required. All Scientific Reports received so far can be found under .
The Data Portal German Marine Research is currently overhauled under the framework of the Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung (DAM) and the BMBF initiative "Information Infrastructure for Marine and Integrated Earth System Science" of the Helmholtz Association, and at the moment is available as a beta version. Direct access to data collected on cruises with German research vessels is available at .